Thumbstick Tuesday

Thumbstick Tuesday – 30th September 2022

Welcome to our Thumbstick Tuesday on 30th September 2022. How has your week been?

Hopefully, it’s been better than Martin’s as he came down with COVID so has been out of action. Ben, however, has been on holiday living it up away from work. That’s why we’re posting this today Friday 30th September, we thought it would be best to post something this week instead of leaving it completely.

What have you been playing? Let us know in the comments section.


Ben has played a few different games this week, he finally received his Steam Deck and loves it.

    • PC
      • Football Manager 2023
      • Pyre
      • Tinykin – Review in the works
      • Praey To The Gods
      • Aperture Desk Job

As mentioned, Ben has played some Tinykin this week. It was recently released on basically all of the current platforms. Ben is currently writing up his review for this so keep an eye on the site to see this soon, it looks adorable.


As mentioned Martin came down with COVID so hasn’t played a huge amount of games this week.

    •  PC
      • Oxygen Not Included
      • The Witcher 3: Wild hunt
      • Mist Survival

The game Martin played the most this week was Mist Survival on the PC when he was able to of course. It’s one of those survival games that sounds like a copy/paste of others but it actually seems pretty impressive. More to come about this soon as Martin will be writing up a review for it once he has caught up.

Let us know what you think of Thumbstick Tuesday or if you have any game suggestions for either of us to check out in the comments. Also, check out our most recent news posts.

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