PUBG: Battlegrounds will be returning home to the original Erangel map. For two weeks only there will be nostalgic graphics and old-school balancing.
We Are Going Home!
This will start on May 14th and end on May 28th on PC, and start on May 23rd ending on June 6th on consoles. This will launch alongside update 29.2.
Erangel Classic will blend the original concepts and atmosphere at the time it was first released with current gameplay elements to help provide a truly unique old-school PUBG experience.
Iconic elements from the original map have been implemented into the Erangel Classic map. Remember that fog and rain that we all hated but loved? that’s going to return in the classic map. The fog was pretty good in a way as it helped you hide from snipers afar.
Benches will also make a return, with weapons placed on them across the starter island. Gunplay balance has also been changed to give players the feel of the early days. The Tommy Gun will also be in the care package, just like it used to be.
You can check out our previous news. To learn more about this update please visit the official website.