The King of Fighters

The King of Fighters XV Season 2 Revealed!

We bring some news from SNK Corporation about THE KING OF FIGHTERS XV. Season 2 of the latest KOF game will begin in January 2023.

Shingo Yabuki Incoming!

The first fight to join in Season 2 is named Shingo Yabuki, and the second fighter in season 2 is Kim. Since the game launched in February 2022, THE KING OF FIGHTERS XV has 13 DLC characters added during season one as well as various game updates.

The King of Fighters

Season 2 will also introduce various new features including the long-awaited crossplay feature. Kim and the new crossplay feature are currently aimed to be released during Spring 2023. Similar to season one, season two will bring more DLC characters and updates. This will happen as time goes on during season two and KOF XV continues to evolve.

SNK Corporation is also pleased that KOF XV was nominated for Best Fighting Game at The Game Awards. If you wish to vote for the game, you can do so via this page.

If you’re keen to check out THE KING OF FIGHTERS XV and you own a PlayStation, Xbox Series, or a gaming PC, then you can visit the official website for KOF XV.

You can watch the trailer below. You can also check out our previous news.

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