Welcome to my review of HYPERVIOLENT on the PC. This game was released on Steam Early Access on the 6th of April 2023. It is developed by Terminist Arcade (Guns of Midnight) and published by Fulqrum Publishing (King’s Bounty II, Ancestors Legacy).

It can be purchased for £12.99 on Steam, GOG, and the Epic Games Store.

A Brutal Nostalgic Throwback

Continue reading to see my thoughts on HYPERVIOLENT. You can also check out our previous reviews once you have read this one.

The Game

In true old-school shooter fashion, HYPERVIOLENT is set on a remote asteroid-based mining colony called Commodus Asteroid 27-C… And yes, things have to shit and everyone has become some sort of mutant/zombie creature that wants to rip you apart, pixel by pixel.

Even though the game is inspired by classics such as DOOM, Quake, Wolfenstein, Duke Nukem etc… it has a lot of modern features. Some of these are things such as quick weapon switching, the ability to use both hands for different weapons or items, and that lovely smooth 60 FPS.


If you’re a fan of a game that doesn’t bog you down with tons of narrative then this is the game for you. There is some context to what the hell is going on via datapads and computer terminals that you find as you’re travelling around 27-C.

The game is pretty fun to play, most of the time. However, I did find myself wandering around quite a bit at some points. This distracted me from the game and I found I was getting quite bored. This is just me though, you may be completely different.

As mentioned up top, HYPERVIOLENT is in Early Access. There is a roadmap of how the devs will expand on the game by the time it hits full release.

Die MF!

One of the things I did enjoy in the game is the gunplay. It works rather well and you can also dual wield smaller weapons, you can mix and match them to suit your style. That’s if you have the ammunition of course!

Early Access Roadmap
  • Early Access Update #1
    • Level 6
    • Low Gravity mechanic
    • 4 new weapons
    • 2 new enemies
    • 1 new boss
    • Neural-Implant Possession Mechanic
  • Early Access Update #2
    • Level 7
    • 2 new weapons
    • 4 new enemies
    • 6 Degrees of Freedom spaceship flying mechanic, including some sections where the player may leave their ship for a period of time.
  • Full Release
    • Levels 8 – 11
    • 6 new weapons
    • Full localization
    • Coop multiplayer for up to 4 players
    • PvP multiplayer modes
    • Various optimization and quality-of-life improvements

Look & Sound

I really do love the graphic style that Terminist Arcade went with for HYPERVIOLENT. The style immediately threw me back to my younger days, playing endless hours on games like DOOM and Duke Nukem.

For some strange reason, my HUD seemed to be really small on my screen. This could be because I was running at 4K and hopefully further into the game’s Early Access life cycle the devs will work on this.

I also enjoyed the 2D sprite work that’s been put in place. That is such a 90s thing and I love it.

I love the throwback.

The sound effects in the game have had effort put into them. They sound pretty decent and suit the game style very well. The music is also decent and gets you into the mood for slaughtering your foes.

Length & Replayability

As it stands and because the game is in Early Access, it’ll last you anything up to 5 or 6 hours with the amount of content at present. Naturally, as the game matures, it will have more levels.

At present it does not have any achievements.


I quite like how HYPERVIOLENT plays out, it feels really fluid, the gunplay feels good, and there are some awesome features too. Such as when your protagonist wipes the blood off the screen and out of his eyes.

Unfortunately, I just found it a little boring at times, especially when wandering around for ages trying to find where I needed to go next.

I score HYPERVIOLENT a 7/10.

A code was kindly provided for us to review this.

We Score This Game

rating score: 7

Very Good!

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