Endzone: A World Apart - Survivor Edition

Endzone: A World Apart – Survivor Edition Review

Welcome to my review of Endzone: A World Apart – Survivor Edition which is brought to us by Gentlymad Studio (Furious Fightpub, Scream or Die) and Assemble Entertainment (Encodya). Endzone: A World Apart originally came out on PC during April 2020. it is now available on Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5 for £44.59. The Survivor Edition of this game also includes the Prosperity DLC that launched for PC.

For the purpose of this review, I was given a review key for the PlayStation 5 version of Endzone: A World Apart – Survivor Edition.

Build, Avoid Radiation, And Survive

Continue reading to find out how well this game ported to consoles from PC. I’m feeling quite hopeful as Endzone has over 5,000 positive reviews on Steam. You can also read our previous reviews.

The Game

Following a worldwide nuclear disaster, Earth is now covered in radiation and has poisoned most of the world as we knew it. Your only task in Endzone: A World Apart – Survivor Edition is to rebuild civilisation as we knew it and save the human race. Not too much pressure then!

Of course, there are a few games in a similar setting now, city builder set in a post-apocalyptic scenario. Surviving the Aftermath is one of my favourites in this genre, so far. Endzone actually does a fantastic job of competing against the other games with similar settings though. The game gives you a handful of tools to use at your disposal to rebuild your civilisation.

Endzone: A World Apart - Survivor Edition
Keep those citizens busy.

The tools are used to help you build housing structures, food and water structures to help you keep your citizens happy, electricity, and more. Of course, there is a research tree in the game that will help you learn how to create new structures for your colony. There are currently more than 90 structures for you to build, so this should keep your citizens busy.

One key thing you need to take from this game is there are no enemies to fight. No monsters to defend against. Your only enemy is the elements. For example, you’ll see violent weather events such as a sandstorm which will batter your people and buildings, breaking them down bit by bit. Not only that, you could also be struck with a drought. You need to ensure you’ve got plenty of food and water in storage just in case of such events.

Endzone: A World Apart - Survivor Edition
Night time looks great

You can also create scouting parties and send them on expeditions. This will result in them leaving the colony for a period of time. However, they can bring back fresh supplies or new information from their expeditions. So it’s up to you whether or not it’s worth sending them out into the dangerous wastelands that we once called home.

Look & Sound

The graphics are actually pretty darned impressive. The textures have been created with a lot of passion, you can tell that by zooming in as far as you can and seeing how good it all looks. The 3D models in the game are all very respectable too, with high detail not only during the day but at night time too. Interior lights shine brightly, and the exterior lighting gives you that warming glow.

The game ran very well even when my town was starting to get a bit crowded with many buildings in place. I experience one major crash with the game, my entire PS5 froze up and I had to hold the power button until it fully shut itself off. That was literally a one-off situation and it could have even been my console having a funny moment and not the game. So I will not hold that against this game as it’s been fine since.

Endzone: A World Apart - Survivor Edition
The graphics are rather nice.

The audio in the game is kind of eery at times. You’re trying to build a lovely town full of hustle and bustle and you have an eery song playing away. I like it. Sound effects are also met with the same quality as what the graphics give us. Very clean sounding and no crackling or breaking up.

Length & Replayability

Due to this being a strategy/city builder, it can last literally as long as you want it to. You can spend hours trying to get the right colony on the go before you hit it just right. I like games that have this way of playing. I’ve spent many hours on a game called Oxygen Not Included and I keep going back to it. I feel I would do the same with Endzone: A World Apart – Survivor Edition.

The game has 66 trophies for you to unlock, should you care enough to hunt these. I love a good trophy hunt!


Endzone: A World Apart – Survivor Edition is actually a great port of Endzone: A World Apart. The graphics are nice, it runs well, and the gameplay feels quite natural on a controller. If you want to check this out on the PS5, you can do so at the official PlayStation store page.

I give Endzone: A World Apart – Survivor Edition am 8/10.

A code was kindly provided for us to review this.

We Score This Game

rating score: 8

Very Good!

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