When the duo discovers an ancient relic on a magical island, the villainous Grimbald of the Cobring Gems Company snatches it away. To save the island and its tribes, they must navigate seven unique worlds with the help of their animal friends and defeat the Cobring army. With family-friendly design, couch co-op, and music by David Wise, Nikoderiko promises a magical, mysterious journey for all ages.
After a 13-year absence, this new opus in the Test Drive Unlimited series revives the fundamental principles for which the series is renowned: racing, lifestyle, and social.
Grid Studio have been kind enough to send us some retro wall art. Take a read and see what we thought.
Kitsune Tails: Retro platformer with LGBTQ+ story, launching on PC today. Console versions coming Q1 2025!
Sand Land, based on the manga by the legendary Akira Toriyama, is a blend of action, adventure, and RPG elements. With the recent hit anime series, surely this has got to be more of the same right? I played Sand Land on the PlayStation 5, and here’s what I thought.
The latest PlayStation Days of Play sale is now live on the PlayStation store.
The PlayStation Plus Essential games for June 2024 have been announced and will soon be available!
Join The Foreigner’s quest in S.O.L Search of Light, a dark fantasy adventure game releasing on April 25th.